We arrived at First Landing State Park, Virginia Beach

Viginia Beach  2016-04-30 19.34.55  2016-04-30 19.34.32

We are at Virginia Beach and we arrived a day early due to storms coming in. We had to get a temp camp spot till today and then we will go into our reserved spot. Its a tight spot for our big rig, but we will get in there. We are now here for the next 10 days! The weather could be nicer, it supposed to rain all week.. GRRRRRR… But life goes on and we will then head up to NY to spend some good quality time with my folks..  Will post some pictures when weather gets a little nicer… Stay tuned…

Where We Bobbled To Next ( Jordan Lake )

2016-04-25 08.15.18Our View from our site…. Its Awesome…..

We would like to say we are very excited and happy that we are now at Jordan Lake, and we are 100% done with the house in Durham. Bitter sweet, sad to say good bye to our great neighbors but very happy to be hitting the road to see the country..

Now for a few new updates on the last few weeks we have been in Mebane. It has not been all the Peaches and Cream while Rving in our new home in the past few weeks. To start off we had leaking with our washer and dryer when we picked the RV up in Virginia. Then when we thought we had that fixed it wasn’t and then the kitchen sink was leaking, so had to get someone out to fix them both. So far so good…. But I found a propane leak with the propane regulator that is used to switch one tank to the next when one is empty, so you can still have propane. I found it when I decided to buy a propane gauge that tells you how full it is and if it has a leak. Well, it had a leak. So now waiting on a new part for that to be fixed. Doesn’t stop there. When we were leaving Jones Station RV Park, when I was pulling out to the road, a pickup truck saw me making a WIDE turn, he decided to speed up and purposely swerved into my lane making me turn sharp right, taking out a road sign and taking out one of our windows in the RV. Now we have a broken window… Trying to get that fixed… So as I said, we are not quite enjoying our travels yet… We will make it through all of this…. We know we will have some bumps in the road, but not so many so quickly.

.2016-04-24 18.11.02

Hope all is well with all of our friends out there that are following us, we will be soon on our way to Virginia Beach next week…. Stay tuned for more updates, and hoping they will be much better…… 

The Bobble Head Travelers….     Jodi and Mark